Recently, Lady Gaga shared the first official look of her and co-star Adam Driver as Reggiani and Gucci in costume, onset of the upcoming movie, "House of Gucci."
This anticipated drama, directed by Ridley Scott, is based on the true story of Patrizia Reggiani and Maurizio Gucci, an heir of the luxury fashion house. Reggiani married Maurizio Gucci, the grandson of Gucci founder Guccio Gucci, in 1973 and the two quickly became one of Italy’s most famous power couples. Consequently, they had two children, Allegra and Alessandra. But, In 1994 Gucci left her for another woman and the couple divorced. An assassin later shot the fashion boss outside his Milan office in 1995.
After a highly publicized trial, a court convicted Reggiani of Gucci's murder. As a result, she ended up serving 18 years in prison, where she earned the nickname Black Widow.
“Signore e Signora Gucci #HouseOfGucci,” she captioned the image.
Gaga's post inspires hilarious memes
Surprisingly, the image went viral and has since received more than 4 million likes on Instagram. As a result, and like everything else online these days, people are making gag-worthy memes.
Gaga is undeniably giving off Moira Rose realness, complete with a statement necklace and over-the-top hair pieces!
While it's safe to say that Bugs Bunny is ski-resort ready, we might we add he is giving Gaga a run for her money with this winter yellow ensemble.
Twitter just couldn't go without a single Star Wars meme reference!
Earlier, executives revealed Jared Leto, Al Pacino and Jeremy Irons are also part of the cast.
While this will only be Gaga’s second starring role in a film, fans have high expectations for this adaptation. In 2019 she won an Oscar for her song "Shallow" from A Star Is Born. Additionally, she was nominated for Best Actress for her role in the movie. Already, film critics anticipate the same success for Lady Gaga in House of Gucci.
The movie, which is currently being filmed in Italy, is set for release sometime this November.