Image: @marlonwayans/Instagram

Marlon Wayans claps back at Elon Musk's transphobic comments

Marlon Wayans is fighting back against transphobes by showing unconditional support for his transgender son.

On a recent episode of the Club Shay Shay podcast, the “White Chicks” actor claims to have a Tesla he is “about to drive over a cliff” after hearing about CEO Elon Musk's comments about the tech giant's own transgender daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson.

“I don’t like what he be saying about his trans child," Wayans said. "You don’t treat them babies like that, you don’t disown your baby. Love your child!”

Wayans, whose son, Kai, is trans, then connected Musk's comments to his loved ones' reactions when Kai came out. While being “the last to know” was “hard on me," and the initial surprise wasn't easy to navigate, he quickly changed his attitude to show support.

“But as hard as it was, I think that it’s not important. It’s important what you went through; the five steps of grief, but I think it’s important that you get to acceptance," he said. "And I’m proud to say it took me a week – but it felt like forever.”

“l’m sad to say some parents, some family members, and some people it’ll take them a lifetime," Wayans continued. “They’ll never get to that magical place that I’m at which is just acceptance. Still my child. That’s my baby.”



Since then, Wayans has been working overtime as an advocate for and ally to the LGBTQ+ community. This year, he even posted a shirtless Instagram photo of himself draped in a rainbow flag for Pride Month with the caption: “I hope I lose every follower that is ignorant.”

As for Wilson, she filed a petition in Los Angeles County Superior Court in April 2022 to change her name and gender legally. 

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