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March 31st marks Transgender Day of Visibility.||

Celebrate International Transgender Day of Visi...

March 31 marks the 12th annual International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV)! Not only is it time to celebrate transgender and non-binary people but today spotlights the discrimination and violence that trans...

Celebrate International Transgender Day of Visi...

March 31 marks the 12th annual International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV)! Not only is it time to celebrate transgender and non-binary people but today spotlights the discrimination and violence that trans...

Transgender Day Remembrance honors the lives we lost to anti-trans violence.|Celebrate Transgender Awareness Month||

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Image: What started as a memorial for a single individual, grew to a memorial for thousands of others who faced similar fates. In 1999, Gwendolyn Ann Smith held a...

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Image: What started as a memorial for a single individual, grew to a memorial for thousands of others who faced similar fates. In 1999, Gwendolyn Ann Smith held a...